5 things that will help you get more online dates


For many of us, crafting the perfect dating profile is actually harder than going on a date. You need to strike the perfect balance: come across as smart, sexy and fun, but totally suitable to take home to meet the parents. So before before you start, take note of these tips that will definitely help you!

1. Having a picture of a dog.

Research has shown that you are three times more likely to have dating success if you are pictured with a furry friend.

2. A mixture of selfies and group pictures.

This one is just common sense. Five selfies makes you look like a narcissist but an endless stream of group pictures usually makes it really tricky for people to work out who you are. And chances are you aren’t the really gorgeous one. Sorry but it’s true.

3. Delete all headless pictures of you in your underwear.

Let’s get real for a moment, even if you have a great body and are just looking for sex; a headless photo of you sitting in your pants is not attractive. And it is possible to just have a one night stand but not pitch yourself as a torso.

4. Be funny.

Whatever you’re looking for by using online dating apps, chances are it isn’t a cripplingly boring and serious conversation about how much they hate their manager. Humor is one of the most important factors in new relationships. This is meant to be fun for everyone, just lighten up a bit.

5. Have a beard.

Lose the razor men (sadly this one does only apply to men). A study has shown that guys are 18% more likely to get a swipe if you have some facial hair – whether that’s minor stubble or a full beard.

Source: Huffpost Lifestyle

