The secrets to creating the perfect online dating profile


Just in time for Valentine’s Day, scientists have unraveled the secrets to creating the perfect online dating profile (according to ABC News).

Here’s what they found:

  • Users who picked screen names starting with letters toward the beginning of the alphabet got more clicks, pings and swipes than those whose names started with letters in the second half of the alphabet.
  • A good profile photo is key, but doesn’t have to be fancy. A “genuine smile” and head tilt made the person in the profile photo appear more attractive.
  • When women wore red in their profile photo, it translated to more attention from men online.
  • In photo galleries, group shots with friends having fun also earned more clicks, pings and swipes from the opposite sex.
  • Users appeared more intelligent if they kept the language in their profile headline “simple.”

We hope that these simple truths will help you create your own perfect profile!  Happy Valentine’s Day!


