Signs that your lady is possessive in the relationship

If you notice evident indicators of a possessive girlfriend, you must ask yourself if this is really love. Understand that no one may claim possession of another person, whether they be a spouse, friend, or partner.

pexels-noelle-otto-906018For starters, this possessive lady is solely concerned with how you may make her happy, not the other way around. Possession psychology seeks to own and control something. But this time is different because they seek to exert influence over someone. Your extremely possessive girlfriend wishes to exert control over you.

At first, possessive behavior may appear adorable, especially if you are just starting to date. It may even feel as if you are receiving a lot of affection. But you’re not, in actuality. It’s not cute when a lady gets possessive in a relationship.

Possessiveness is a symptom of anxiety and insecurity. A woman who is possessive in a relationship can be doing so to escape her own debilitating difficulties and feelings.

It’s time to see the warning signals and take action before it’s too late:

She is blackmailing you.

It is common for loving partners to reveal intimate facts or personal secrets, even if they are too embarrassing. This is because you trust each other enough to share everything, including your shortcomings.

It becomes a problem when you discover your lady is possessive. Because of her possessiveness, she will use your secrets against you. She might accuse you of cheating on the spur of the moment since you informed her you had done it previously. She might make you feel tiny in a heated fight about wrongdoings you’ve confessed to her in the past.

Such possessiveness should not be dismissed. Seek assistance, or if she refuses to go through possessiveness psychology, leave as soon as possible.

She is manipulating you.

Always remember who you were before you got into a relationship. Never let a possessive lady change or quiet that person.

A woman who loves threatening the man she is with is a frequent indicator of possessiveness. She will use blackmail, sympathy, and guilt to prevent you from making a strategy or going for what you desire. She will strive to make you feel little at all times in order to make you reliant on her. She will frequently manipulate things for her personal gain but never for yours.

She is always looking for you to be at her side.

When was the last time you went to see your family or spend time with your friends without your girlfriend? When was the last time your lady gave you “me time” and let you enjoy it without interrogating you?

You don’t need to ask if you can’t recall, or if you haven’t done any of things while you’ve been with your woman. You’re in a controlling relationship. If you let this go on, you will gradually lose the individuals who care about you, the majority of whom were there before you met your girlfriend.

She is doing the little things to hurt you.

It does not have to be bodily discomfort. A possessive woman will frequently attempt to retaliate against you when she knows it would hurt you the most.

It makes no difference what generates possessiveness in a relationship. She will solely think about how to harm your feelings. The strange thing about this possessiveness is that one day she will be back to normal and urge you to make up, apologize, or shower you with affection. This is dangerous. You never know what she’s going to do next.

She is far too domineering.

A possessive lady will tell you what you can and cannot do. She’d want your passwords, keys, and access to all of your belongings and information.

She is tracking you without your knowledge.

A possessive lady will try to put an app on your phone to follow your whereabouts. She will monitor all of your actions since she needs to know where you are at all times.

It makes no difference where you intend to go. She will still follow you around like a stalker to find out where you are.

She is storing information that she does not want you to know.

No matter how vital the information is, a possessive woman will keep it hidden from you. If your girlfriend believes that the knowledge would influence your decision to spend the weekend with an ailing friend or cousin who was involved in an accident, she will withhold it from you.

If you allow this to happen, you will eventually become disconnected from your other circles. By that time, your possessive lady will have accomplished her aim of making you feel as though she is the only one who cares about you.

She doesn’t respect your private space.

Even if you don’t want her to, a possessive woman will always breach your privacy. She’d want to know everything and have access to all of your personal information. If an overbearing lady does not respect your personal space, she will not respect whatever you ask of her.

She becomes irritated when you do not return her calls or respond to her messages on time.

If she responds this way every time you miss her phone call because you were in a meeting, giving a presentation to a class, or having a wonderful bonding session with a friend, it’s a clear sign that your girlfriend is jealous. This is another red flag that, if ignored, might develop into possessiveness.

You are always wrong.

Your possessive woman will always place the blame squarely on your shoulders. Even if she was clearly at fault, she will never listen to your explanations. You’d be accused of anything from cheating or lying to attempting to harm her.

You must address this problem before you lose your identity. If you find yourself doubting yourself, put a stop to it and leave your possessive girlfriend.

